Getting your cat to the vet

Providing good health care, especially preventive health care, can allow your cats to have longer, more comfortable lives. However, this cannot happen unless they see the veterinarian for needed care. Many cats dislike going to the veterinarian, and that starts with the difficulty of getting the cat into the carrier. If we can make this step easier, the entire veterinary visit is usually less stressful.
Understanding your Cat's Behavior:
Stay calm. Cats can sense our anxiety or frustrations, which may cause them to become fearful or anxious.
Give rewards to encourage positive behavior.
Getting an Unwilling Cat into the Carrier:
Put the cat in a small room (bathroom, laundry, etc.) first and close the door. Do not chase the cat.
Collect the carrier from storage.
If your cat will not walk into the carrier, you can remove the top half of the carrier, then calmly replace the lid after cat has been placed inside.
Carriers that we love:
-Snap closed, not screws
-Top loading
-Hard Cased
If you have a cat that becomes very nervous or aggressive at the vet, the three qualities in a cat carrier listed above are especially important. The quicker that we are able to see your cat, the less stress that they have to undergo. Larger snap carriers are best for these cats. Sometimes, cats even prefer to have their exams done while resting in the comfort of their carriers.